Sunday, April 06, 2014

Project monogamy

I'm still here, still knitting. Life intervenes - preparing for major remodeling (follow the progress here) and starting the gardening season (follow that here).

Even though there is yarn here, there, and everywhere, begging to become the start of a new project, I have been remarkably determined to stick with two projects at a time, a big one (Easy as Pie blanket) and a small one (socks, of course). I may add an old WIP or two into the mix, just to whittle away at that pile. Unfinished things make me twitchy.

1 comment:

elns said...

It's Spring! I say we cast on new, we go crazypants! I so don't feel like knitting on my big bulky cardian, but you're right, knowing that bag o' wool is just sitting in a bag by the bedside has me twitchy! Good luck with the remodeling. I'm a renter and just want a new fridge, it's making strange noises after more than 10 years...