Saturday, September 16, 2023

Studio re-org

I had the French doors in the den replaced with a patio door this past week, as the former were quite leaky. That meant shoving stuff around to clear the area for the installers, which made me reconsider how I have my fiber workstations organized. The bedroom-turned-studio is not working for me, maybe because that room feels so FULL.

I think the studio would work better as a storage space while the den is more attractive as a work area. But I don't want all my wheels and looms and fiber cluttering up the den. So the plan is to have only projects I am actively working on in the den. We'll see how well I can stick to that concept.

There are two spinning wheels in this corner; I can spin on only one at a time.

New door, lets in more light

Project table

Knitting station

Knitting: Still working on the sleeves of the Lempi sweater, have started the decreases, so now I have to remember to do that every fifth row. My quota for the cowl is at least two rounds per day - oops, I haven't done that yet today. I took the socks to the guild meeting, as they are my "traveling" project, but I have also been working on them at home, to get them finished in a more timely manner.
Weaving: The second washcloth is woven.

I went to the spinners guild meeting the past week, and it was... meh. Or maybe I was meh. I know I was tired, but usually these meetings perk me right up. Not this time. I would not have gone at all, but I've been organizing a gathering for Spinning and Weaving Week and brought the sign-up sheet. Between the two guilds, twenty people have signed up, which is a *great* response. At least I feel a little excited about that.

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