Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Going in circles

At tonight's weaving guild meeting, we are supposed to bring something we have made using a technique that is new to each of us. I posted about twining last time. I decided to finish the circular sample we started at the meeting on circular weaving as well.

My initial reaction was that this is too slow - this coaster took several hours. But after sharing with a fiber friend, I'm wondering if I would like circular weaving better with a heavier yarn. I won't give up on it... yet.

Knitting: I am on the verge of ripping back the basketweave socks. The yarn feels wrong for socks - not durable enough - and I hate knitting the pattern. The unmatched socks, however, are going well... if I didn't keep getting distracted by the latest L-Bag.
Weaving: See above.

The Fort Wayne Museum of Art is featuring an exhibit by Rowland Ricketts, textile artist and indigo dyer (with more than a little help from his wife, Chinami). We visited it last week. WOW! If you have the chance to see work by these artists, GO!

Besides getting tee shirts for guild members, another task I have taken on is creating a guideline for the judges at the county fair. From reading their comments on projects entered, they do not know much about fiber arts. I sent out feelers to see if they would be interested in some guidelines, and they said YES PLEASE. So now I am trying to pull that together, with input from various fiber friends.

The days are just packed.

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