Sunday, July 07, 2024

Foreign germs

I missed last week's Fifth Saturday spin-in because of a memorial service and this week's monthly spin-in because of illness. Last Wednesday I didn't feel well, ditto yesterday after spending Thursday with family. I must have picked up a bug at each event. Today I'm back to normal (or as normal as I get) and getting caught up on chores, etc.

Knitting: The L-Bag is into the decreases, which one would think would be near the end, but it doesn't feel that way, as each decrease row has seven non-decreasing rows in between. I started a new pair of socks, top-down, that should match.

Spinning: I'm done with spinning the dark brown roving; it awaits chain-plying. I skeined and wet-finished some yarn I plied a while ago, just to get it off the bobbin. And I started a new three-color batch that will be three-plied.

It occured to me that I never posted a final summary of the Lempi sweater. I'm working on that, but it is taking a while because I am including a bunch of detail about the modifications I made and the natural dye materials I used and the order of the colors. The sweater is sitting on a chair in my bedroom where I see it everyday. It is one of my finer knitting projects.

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