Saturday, January 18, 2025

I pledged

My first spinning wheel was an Ashford Kiwi 2.0. I chose it primarily because of the double treadle (and I didn't know enough to make a more refined decision). It has two ratios (3.0 has been upgraded to three) and I added a super flyer to it for bulky or "art" yarns. It doesn't get used very much.

That version of the Kiwi was not portable, so I purchased an Ashford Joy 2.0. It has the double treadle, plus four ratios ( I rarely deviate from whatever I am currently using), and is portable... or luggable. Schlepping it around is a bit awkward despite the carrying bag.

This past week, sent out an email about a new e-spinner that is relying on Kickstarter for funding. This one is called the EEW Fold. Not only does the e-spinner fold for easy transport, the bobbins fold as well. And it weighs about two pounds.

Photo borrowed from Kickstarter

After watching the video, I debated with myself over whether a needed a THIRD spinning wheel. Several of my fiber friends have e-spinners and *love* them. An advantage of a motor-driven wheel (with an rpm display) is consistency, plus there are unlimited speeds. Since I would not need to treadle, I would not have to quarter-twist my back when plying, either.

So I pledged. And then I worried that I would need a traveling table to set it on, but the inventor is publishing (for free!) files for 3-D printing a platform that can be attached to a tripod (which I already have).

The Kickstarter goal was $20k and already over $300k has been pledged, so the product looks like a GO. The deadline for pledging is February 5, 2025, if you are interested. They expect to be shipping in May. With over 1300 backers, it may be a while before I get mine.

Crochet: For my UFO-to-FO project this month, I wrapped up the double crochet cowl; separate post to follow.
Knitting: I started and finished a Kittyville hat; separate post to follow. Now besides the ice dyed socks, I'm knitting a "window cat".
Spinning: I emptied two bobbins of some tan yarn; I think one bobbin was three-plied, the other chain-plied (I'll have to comb my blog to figure out exactly what is what).

The other day I saw a woman in the grocery store who was wearing thigh-high leg warmers over her leggings. Is that a new style? Many years ago, I knit leg warmers, but got rid of them because they would not stay up. Over leggings, however....

Thanks to the weather, our recent spinners guild meeting was held virtually, which worked out okay except it was difficult to see the show-and-tell projects. The "theme" was using leftovers, so now I am collecting links to the patterns so they can be shared with everyone, including those who declined to attend (Luddites).

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