Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Garter dishcloths

I'm not much of a TV watcher, but I do stream some favorite shows. I'm too cheap to pay extra to eliminate commercials, but find them to be tedious and boring. Enter simple knitting. These garter stitch dishcloths are perfect for bridging the gap.

Pattern: none; just cast on 40 stitches, knit until the piece looks squarish, then bind off.
Yarn: Pisgah Yarn and Dyeing Co. Peaches & Creme Ombres, colorway '130 Shaded Pastels'
Needles: US7 (but cast on and bound off with US8)

I'm always a bit reluctant to use a colorway that includes white or natural for dishcloths, as once the dishcloths get used, they get a bit dingy. But I have a lot of cotton yarn like this and plan to use it up one way or another.

Once upon a time, I knit a towel, but that took *forever*. Dishcloths are just the right size for a simple knitting project.

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