Sunday, July 30, 2023

A fiber-filled week

Sometimes I think I am not doing much with fiber, but then I write a post for this blog and realize, no, I am involved in a LOT of fiber related activities. I just don't get much of anything finished.

Dyeing: Yesterday a bunch of us visited the Wabash Woollen Works for a natural dye workshop - separate post to follow. After hearing Lisa at WWW comment that sometimes a dye bath looks like there is no dye in it when there is, I decided to give sunflowers another try. Right now 250g of fresh sunflower blossoms are steeping in the sunshine AFTER I poured boiling water over them.
Fiber prep: After reading the section on blending fibers on a drum carder in The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs, I decided to give it a go on my drum carder. However, mine is rather small, and I discovered 15g is about the max I can card at one time on it. And I forgot to take pix. (Some of you may recall that I took a fiber blending class at PlyAway in 2018, so one would think I would know what I am doing, but my brain is a sieve.)
Knitting: I took the socks with me to WWW and am almost ready to turn the heels - yay! I've also been knitting the Lempi sweater and reached a point where I thought the pockets should go, but no. The sweater is MUCH longer than I thought. I compared it to another cardigan I have and debated whether to make the Lempi the same length or go all the way. Since one of my goals is to use up as much of the naturally dyed yarn as I can, I will keep going and make it longer.

Spinning: I really messed up the last attempt at core spinning, so I wrapped it in silk thread and called it a day.
Weaving: I warped the inkle again, this time with a less busy version of the previous strap; I think it will look better with the L-Bag.

And I attached the Freedom Roller to the 24" rigid heddle. Now I will probably have to detach it in order to add the warp, then reattach it to finish the warping. There will be more waste.

The weaving guild is in the home stretch of prepping for its exhibit at the Allen County Public Library. I submitted several pieces, but what gets displayed is up to the gallery director, so it will be a surprise. Actually, I will be surprised if *any* of my pieces make the cut, but I felt like I had to submit *something*. Gotta support the team.

Have a supportive week.

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