Thursday, July 12, 2007

Short n Sweet

Last Saturday I was going shopping in Indy with my daughter and needed something easy to knit in the car. This meant not the lacy top, not a sock ready for heel-turning, not an afghan. This meant something new, but not another baby hoodie because I haven't finished the last one, not the yoga mat bag because that is a lace project and I refuse to have two lace projects going on at the same time, ditto for socks, not the baby blankets that require wrangling four skeins of yarn at the same time, not a dishcloth because I am tired of cotton, not a hat because I just finished one. So, what did that leave me?

How about a little eyeglass case for my sweetie? He made this request an embarrassingly long tme ago, expressing an interest in the "Serendipity" SWTC bamboo I've been playing with, the OLD bamboo that produces a fabric with the texture of loofah. (My understanding is they have redesigned this yarn to be softer.) I cast 48 stitches onto US2 double points and basically made a little sock top, with 4 rounds of 2x2 ribbing to keep it from rolling and the next 6 inches plain old stockinette, closing with kitchenette. He has bamboo growing in his backyard (yes, Virginia, bamboo does grow in Indiana, and can be purchased here), and now he will have bamboo in his pocket.

Bamboo eyeglass cases. Can bamboo pocket protectors be far behind?

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