Sunday, April 12, 2020

Every day, in every way

It's been nearly four months since my hip replacement, and I am getting around quite well. There are some things I still can't do (and may never be able to do), some things I can do but carefully, but my mobility gets incrementally better each week. When the weather allows, I walk the dogs, mostly around the neighborhood, where we can check out the spring blossoms, assess the construction projects (they are fixing a drainage issue in my addition), chat with a neighbor or two (from a distance), etc. I also have several exercise routines, mostly physical therapy for my hip, shoulders, back plus a little yoga, that I try to do most days. All in all, I feel like I got (most of) my life back.

Knitting: Still working on the socks. I predict that by next weekend, I should be ready for the heel turn.
Spinning: Still spinning 'Neapolitan'. The "chocolate" sections of the roving are more like chocolate and caramel. Makes me hungry.

Weaving: Still working on the online class. Also playing with the pocket loom, but nothing to show right now.

I'm reading The Stoic Challenge, by William B. Irvine. I consider myself a Stoic (with a capital S). That does not mean suppressing emotions or keeping a stiff upper lip. Rather, Stoics greet setbacks as challenges to be worked around or overcome. I'm not always a good Stoic - I can whine with the best of them - but I do try to come up with strategies for dealing with what life hands me. COVID-19 feels more like a roadblock than a setback, but most days I manage. Of course, I am better off than many - no money worries, no work worries, none of my loved ones are ill, I can deal with copious amounts of solitude, etc. - but I am also grateful that things are not worse. We still have utilities (electricity, heat, water) and services (like trash pickup) and the Internet(!) The local grocery stores still have food of one sort or another. And I'm curious to see what the future brings, if any of this produces cultural changes. It is an interesting time.

And when all else fails, I just take a nap with a cat in my lap.

I hope you are all doing well, hanging in there, finding ways to cope. Be safe, be well.

1 comment:

Ellen D. said...

Well, it is interesting that I found your blog today. I am just getting ready to read writings by Epictetus, an ancient Greek Stoic and here I find a Stoic with a blog! Coincidence??!! I hope to find calm in these readings - I have COVID worries to deal with like everyone else. But I also found out last week that I have a pituitary tumor that will need surgery - maybe in a month or so when things calm down at the local hospital (hopefully?!) It is affecting the vision in my left eye - which is a blessing and a curse - a blessing because it led to the discovery of the tumor; a curse because I read a lot - but I still have a good right eye so it could be worse. I look forward to reading more of your postings! Thanks!