Saturday, July 18, 2020

Schedule change

My usual MO is to work in the garden early and late in the day because, OMG, the heat! The humidity! Ugh! However, I also like to relax with a couple of hours of TV each day. Watching in the evening was interfering with the gardening, so I switched to matinee viewing - I watch in the afternoon, in the heat of the day, when I am feeling rather sluggish anyway. Fiber fits in here and there.

Needle felting: I forgot that the week before this past one I spent some time repairing Dill. Poor thing.
Spinning: I finished plying the merino/angelina blend. Separate post to follow on that effort.
Weaving: The 4-sun piece that languished for many weeks is hemmed. I'm almost done with the piece that is currently on the pocket loom.

I'm taking a pottery class at the community center. One project is a bunch of bone-shaped items. The plan is to only bisque them, not glaze them. When I am dyeing yarn, I'll throw some in the dye pot, then wrap some yarn samples around them to display in a print tray that hangs in my dining room. Another project is to weave something in clay. Toward that end, today I practiced with pie dough.

Not too shabby!

1 comment:

Mereknits said...

I rarely get to watch a show during the week. This weekend I have enjoyed some movies with my favorite 9 year old in the afternoon when it is much too hot out even for the pool. Stay safe.