I discovered late in life that I suffer from ADHD. Although not officially diagnosed, I found that learning how ADHD differs in females and males provided some enlightenment about how I live my life. For one thing, I've always struggled with tasks that I find "boring". For another, the more I structure my time, the better I do. For example, I hate housework, but to keep myself from living in squalor, I "schedule" cleaning days. Hey, it works for me.
I wish I could be a bit more structured keeping track of my fiber and what I am working on. This blog helps. Ravelry helps. But sometimes I can't find a particular yarn, tool, book, and it drives me a little bonkers. Periodically, I rearrange things, but so far it hasn't helped a lot. If anyone has any helpful tips to pass along, please leave them in the comments!
Dyeing: My granddaughter and I dyed some silk scarves using art tissue. This is such a fun and easy craft, even she didn't get bored with it. And the fact I was able to locate the scarves and art tissue was a minor miracle.
Knitting: I've been mentally calculating how long it is going to take me to finish the Habitation throw. Too long. But I knit a few rows every day. Slow and steady wins the race.
Spinning: I have filled three bobbins with singles of Shetland, am now in the tedious part of plying. I fill a bobbin, let it rest, then wind it onto a niddy noddy. Wash, rinse, repeat. This will take a while.
Weaving: I've had this idea about weaving a skyline, as either a scarf (using clasped weft) or a tapestry. To test this idea, I started a sample on my pocket loom, weaving sideways.
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I have an ulterior motive for starting a small tapestry: the Super Saturday on tapestry I inadvertantly volunteered to help with. I need to brush up on tapestry techniques before then. I'm also wondering if the others leading this workshop do things the same way I do, and how we are going to resolve our differences when it comes to teaching newbies. This is definitely outside my comfort zone!