A new guild member (at least, I *think* she actually joined one of my guilds) is handling the estate of a fiber person who has gone to the yarn bowl in the sky, leaving behind a LOT of fiber and equipment and tools. It was easy to pass up the wheels, etc., but the yarn was something else. I did put back some of what I had picked out, but this is what came home with me, thereby breaking my "no new fiber" resolution.
My SO needs some new socks, so I can justify purchasing sock yarn. The problem with sock yarn (and it's only *my* problem) is that I knit larger than "normal" socks, so to keep from running out of yarn, I knit the toes, heels, and cuffs in contrasting colors. That means a trip to
Simply Socks to buy even *more* yarn. Gah.
Less Traveled Yarn, 'Picnic Plaid' |
Opal Elemente 1079 (left) and unknown (center), Harry Potter Sock Collection 2352 (right) |
I wove a
shawl with some Kauni many moons ago. It's rather rough, but I like the colorways. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these, though.
Kauni EQ - unnamed colorways |
Knitting: My consolation over buying yarn is to work somewhat religiously on the current cowl. I sewed the deer antler buttons onto the Lempi sweater - and hated how they look. I found an alternative at Joann.
Spinning: I finished spinning the SeaCell roving - time to ply.
The spinning guild did not meet last month because of inclement weather, so this month's meeting was basically meet-the-new-officers and show-and-tell. I took the Lozenge cowl and the Lempi sweater (buttonless). Both were a hit.