Monday, November 26, 2007

Makin' Progress

Today at lunch, I finished the cuff on Trekking sock #2 and started the heel flap. Last night, I reached "stitch count" on one sleeve of the red-red-red sweater/hoodie and would have done the same with the other sleeve had I not pooped out. And I have been meditating on how to graph the two halves of the lace shawl. Any other UFO's that need attention? Oh, yeah - unlined bags galore. Those sound like a good project for xmas week.

I wish my dog felt better. She is eating and drinking and the results of that are coming out the other end, so there are no blockages, but she is not very perky. Of course, she may just be wiped from all the comings and goings of various and sundry people at various and sundry hours of the day and night for the past four days. She is used to sleeping the day away, rousing herself only for eating, defecating, urinating, and taking a walk to check her pee-mail. Tonight is the cat's annual trip to the vet (just when she has finally forgiven me for the last set of shots!), and I'll make an appointment for Betsy for Thursday. If she is still not feeling well, she can be examined, but otherwise, she will get her shots, too.

(Last year I took them both at the same time, which was too stressful for all of us, plus the elder Dr. M got confused over who got what shots. No harm done, but I'd rather make multiple trips than go through that again.)

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