Saturday, July 10, 2021

Closet decluttering

One day I tried to store something in a closet, any closet, but all of my closets were too FULL. There is not a lot of storage in this house besides the bedroom closets. Even though I am the only one living here, in a three-bedroom house, it feels like not enough room. So I decluttered. Again.

After consulting with my granddaughter, I eliminated a lot of crafty things that she has outgrown: construction paper, glue sticks, markers, googly eyes, etc. We also sorted through jigsaw puzzles and craft kits. (Try as I might, I could not interest her in crafts - too tedious.) And then I hit the fiber stash.

The larger bin contains vast quantities of yarn that fall under one of two categories: Project Leftovers and What Was I Thinking? There are also some unused or little used tools, like spindles. The smaller bin is mostly samples of this, that, and the other, bits and bobs of fibers from workshops and swag bags and sampling. I plan to take all this to the next spinning guild meeting with plans to offer everything up for FREE. I may also take a couple of homemade (not by me) frame looms.

Weaving: Almost done with the heddled pick-up exercises from the Anne Dixon book, The Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory, that I started in the last mini-workshop. We have another mini-workshop scheduled for next Saturday.

There is a basket of cotton yarn in the den beside the Ashford 24" rigid heddle loom that I am itching to weave. Arthritis in my shoulders makes that difficult to even think about. I've tried exercise, physical therapy, yoga, massage, medication, CBD, and corisone shots, but nothing has made much of a difference in the pain and mobility issues. BUT I now have a surgery date the last week of September for replacing the left shoulder. The tentative plan is to replace the right one a year later. With all medical procedures, I'm a bit apprehensive, but in this case, mostly relieved. I hope I am as happy with shoulder replacement as I am with hip replacement.

1 comment:

Mereknits said...

Good job de-stashing all of your supplies. I am sure you are not looking forward to the surgery but the pain relief will be so helpful. Good luck.