Sunday, July 25, 2021

Maybe not the best laid plan

As the cortisone injections wear off, my shoulders remind me why I want/need replacements. I scheduled surgery for the Wednesday following an inkle weaving workshop, forgetting that I will have to cease all pain relieving treatments about two weeks before that. Already I am having difficulty at the inkle loom, can't wait to see how non-functional my left shoulder will be by the end of September. At least I will be able to continue cortisone injections in my right shoulder.

Spinning: At least spinning doesn't hurt my shoulders. Since I decided to call a halt to spinning all the red Tunis, my attitude toward it has improved.
Weaving: I find twenty minutes of weaving at the inkle loom to be my limit before having to rest. Unfortunately, that left me halfway through one motif and I am having trouble picking up (HA) where I left off.

One of the members of the spinning guild has made inroads in recent years to get fiber arts included in the county fair. I've never participated, but decided to this year. And if you are going to enter one thing, you might as well enter several.

There was no fair last year, thanks to the pandemic, so you can submit anything created in the past two years. Unfortunately, many of my handwoven and handknit items were gifts that have already been distributed, but I came up with five to enter. The judges are not very well versed in fiber arts, so I don't expect to win or even get any helpful feedback. But it will be fun to take my granddaughter to the fair and show her my entries.

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