Sunday, March 06, 2022

Eat the frog first

If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.” Mark Twain

This morning's toad was to file my taxes. (Note: I said file, not pay. The latter will occur later.) I still haven't picked up a tapestry loom despite my stated desire to do so; maybe that can be my reward for eating today's frog.

Knitting: More work on the Habitation throw. *yawn*
Weaving: I completed the initial plain weave on the leno curtains, and about eight repeats of the leno pattern. However, there are some huge mistakes in the last four repeats, so I will have to unweave some before continuing. Ugh. On the SampleIt loom, I tried some Spanish lace in an alternate color. I like the scribbly look.

Both the spinning guild and the weaving guild that I belong to participate in the Salomon Farm Fiber Fest, so the meetings for both are about preparing for that. I never commit to being there because it seems like things crop up at the last minute that prevent me from helping. But I am willing to contribute samples for the visitors' viewing pleasure. I just need to pick those out.

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