Sunday, April 17, 2022

Why we swatch

While working on the sage towels, it occurred to me that sage and gray would look good together. I worked up a little sample on a mini loom and they do NOT play well. They are too close in tone.

I also played around with a red, gray, and black combo. I like how they look together as a warp, but am flummoxed about the weft. I'm thinking a repp weave, which is warp-faced, but I don't know how to do that except on my inkle loom. Research is needed.

Knitting: I did more tinking than knitting on the Habitation throw this past week; I keep messing up the decreases. I started a cowl using a DK yarn, but I may frog that because I don't like how the colors are pooling.
Weaving: The sage towels are off the loom! Initially, they were different lengths, but after washing and drying, they almost match. While I was working on finishing steps, I also washed and dried the sari yarn runner and the leno curtains. The latter are very different in length, not sure how best to correct that in a way that is not too noticable. Now I need to do some hemming on all these items.

At spinning guild, the program was learning how to make Dorset buttons. For some reason, Dorset buttons are hot right now. They are a bit addicting, but I don't think they would hold up well if used as actual buttons on a sweater or something. They add a nice touch to hats and such, though.

We were supposed to spin the yarn for this project, at 14 WPI, but I used some fingering. I haven't felt the urge to spin lately, maybe because I have SO MUCH handspun yarn just waiting for a project.

1 comment:

ErinFromIowa said...

Now I need to learn how to make a Dorset button! ☘️