Saturday, April 02, 2022

Trying (this and that) week

Overshot is kicking my butt. I tried it on the SampleIt loom (which was already warped), but the warp is spaced too tightly (10 epi). So I shifted to the pocket loom (8 epi), but am still struggling. I must be doing something wrong because I can't seem to keep the warp covered, plus I think the result is supposed to be reversible, and mine isn't.

I have also been playing around with that super jumbo yarn I purchased at the Jay County Fiber Fest. I tried knitting it, but it requires larger knitting needles than I have. I tried braiding it, just for fun, but two of the colorways are too close in tone. Then I created a swatch on my Swatchmaker. So now I'm thinking wall hanging, woven on a frame loom. Maybe.

There are so many ideas for tapestry tumbling around in my head that I decided to purchase some stuff that will help me actually implement them. On the left, cotton seine twine in beige and black (I already have some in natural), on the right tapestry bobbins. All this came from the Yarn Barn in Kansas. They are the only place I usually buy from that offers the cotton seine twine in colors.

All of the above was happening in my so-called studio, a spare bedroom that tends to get junked up very easily. I rearranged things a couple of weeks ago, but found myself trying to do too much on too small a table. So I broke down and purchased what my SO calls a "potluck table", one of those folding tables that are used for backyard picnics and such. Now I have a little elbow room.

(The suitcases under the table hold family photos that need to be sorted and distributed. Not sure how I became the keeper of family memorabilia, but it happened.)

Knitting: Yes, I am on the decreasing half of the Habitation throw. Even though each row is still over 250 stitches, I find myself working on it a bit more because I want to hurry up and be done with it.
Weaving: I finished one of the plain weave guest towels that is on the 24" Ashford rigid heddle loom. I'm using a temple, so the selvages look better than usual.

And so it goes.

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