I started the Cold Mountain shawl last week, on lace weight, and decided I could do a pattern repeat (30 rows) before employing a life line. On row 11, I was regretting that decision, as I dropped a stitch and it fell almost to the cast on. Oh, well, I'll just start over, I said to myself, and I did. I started over. And over. AND OVER. Finally, when I made it back to row 10, I added a life line, and have been adding one every ten rows since. Not that I have made it very far - I'm up to row 30, the end of one pattern repeat of chart A. At the rate I am going, this will take forever. The problem is not the pattern, but the yarn. I rarely work with lace weight, my eyes are getting too old for black yarn, and the whole thing is quickly becoming tedious. I'm debating whether to continue.
Meanwhile, I did block the Slouch...

and the February Lady Sweater.

My daughter will weave a ribbon into the former, I will sew buttons onto the latter. The FLS is a bit snug in the armpits, but otherwise not bad, not bad at all.
On a sad note, last week Hip Hop the angora lop, suddenly became ill and died. He was fine Monday morning, obviously sick Monday night, and by the time I came home early from work on Tuesday to take him to the vet, he was gone.

I have baggies full of his fur, so I am hoping to blend it with some wool and knit a memorial scarf or something. Poor bunny guy. I really miss him.
Aw, poor bunny. I think knitting something with his fur is a nice idea.
Poor bunny! He sure was a cutie pie.
Also, excellent work on the FLS! I'm working on one of those myself. (PS, are you on ravelry? We should be ravelry friends!)
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