Sunday, May 26, 2024

Twining away

The weaving guild I belong to encourages us to meet a particular challenge each year. This time it was to try a new weaving technique. I haven't been weaving lately, but we recently had a program on twining. I decided to work up a sample of that, in a rather lazy way.

I don't have a twining-specific frame, but other frames may be co-opted. I chose to use a potholder frame. One reason is the side pegs help with the selvages. Another reason is to keep my effort small. I also did not want to go to the trouble of creating warp and weft from fabric, so I used potholder loops.

My first attempt was a bit of a disaster, but the second (pictured above and below) turned out okay. The resulting fabric is very thick and dense. Twining is rather addictive, so when I have some free time, I just may make myself a rug from old sheets.

Yes, time. One would think during retirement there would be plenty of time, but somehow the days are just packed. It doesn't help that finishing the quilt has motivated me to tackle some other long-standing projects. This week it was a pair of pajama bottoms. I purchased the pattern from One Hundred Act of Sewing *many* years ago and bought the material about the same time. Now they are done!

My sewing skills are rather basic, and I made several mistakes with this project, but I learned some things. You *can* teach an old dog new tricks.

Knitting: The basketweave socks are s-l-o-w-l-y advancing. The L-Bag has become my TV viewing knitting project for now, so the mismatched socks are on pause.
Weaving: See above on twining.

Another reason I seem to have no time is I keep volunteering for things. I'm the "outreach coordinator" for the weaving guild, and I unofficially do the same for the spinning guild. I want to raise their profiles in the community so that people know we exist and what we do and maybe they will want to join us. The current push is to get tee-shirts made for each group, so we can wear them when we spin and/or weave in public or when we attend fiber fests. There is another group in town where the members are all "aging out". I don't want that to happen to our guilds.

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