Saturday, January 25, 2025

Listening and fiber

Do you listen to audio books while knitting or spinning or whatever? Sometimes I do, as long as I'm not at a tricky part of the project that involves thinking (counting is usually okay). Lately I've been marching though the George Smiley series of novels by John Le Carre. I've tried reading this author before (without success), but listening is another matter. Thank goodness for Hoopla (check your local library apps).

Knitting: I started a Window Cat, in what I think is acrylic; I'll have to give it the "burn test".

Spinning: The yarn I skeined last week was the Tasman comeback, and yes, some was three-plied, some chain-plied. This week I started chain-plying the maroon merino top.

You may be wondering what the "burn test" is. Light a small piece of mystery yarn on fire (CAREFULLY!) If it burns slowly and smells like burnt hair, it is wool; if it melts and smells like burnt plastic, it is acrylic.

At our last weaving guild meeting (which was by Zoom), I showed off my ice dyed yarn that is becoming socks. A member asked how to prevent laddering when knitting with double-pointed needles. What I learned from Stitch n Bitch is this: Knit the first stitch on a needle, insert the needle to knit the second stitch but before completing it, give the yarn a little tug; this tightens up the first stitch and helps prevent laddering.


And that's all I have for today.

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