Thursday, January 31, 2008

All Clean

I scheduled a duct-cleaning today, at 4pm, and ordinarily I would simply have left work early to meet the cleaning guys at my house, but when I realized the cleaning guys would have to actually be able to get to my heat vents, I decided the least stressful thing to do would be to stay home and shovel a path through each room prior to their arrival. Nothing like the prospect of strangers in one's home to turn one into a vacuum jockey.

So, does taking a vacation day to clean house mean I broke my New Year's resolution? Like I said, my goal was stress-relief. And I did sleep in. And while I did not get a manicure, my dog did, or what passes as a manicure at the vet's. And I did get a little knitting done (I love Art Yarns!) And I did take a delicious nap in the recliner. And my sweetie brought pizza. And I am having a really hard time believing I will have to go to work tomorrow (and maybe, if it snows enough, I won't!) So, even though I did a lot of housework, it still felt like a vacation day. And I now have a clean house! (My SO wanted me to take a picture of my coffee table because, well, you could actually see it.)

My SO also brought the following:

Apologies to Spam lovers, but who thinks these things up?!?

I mean, really! A Spam Single necklace?!?

1 comment:

Mary Kay said...

a spam necklace!?! that is crazy funny! thanks for the laugh!