Saturday, February 19, 2022

Detox at Grandma's

My granddaughter spent the night last weekend. She's 11, going on 18, all arms and legs and a little bit of acne. She has commented that it is very quiet at my house - no TV or music, no traffic noises, no loud neighbors - and her mom says she comes home calm and focused. Sometimes we play chess or Monopoly (she beats me every time), sometimes we go shopping, this last time we played with clay. She is very talented artistically, but I have never been able to interest her in crafts - too tedious, I guess. Still, we find things to do and she has a good time.

Knitting: Still plugging away on the Habitation throw. The pattern is for a square, knit on the diagonal, but I want it rectagular. I'm done with the increases and am now marching along on the straight bit, by increasing on one end, decreasing on the other.

Weaving: I haven't rewarped the 24" rigid heddle loom yet for the second leno curtain, but I did warp the SampleIt so I can make more samples. Right now I am experimenting with Danish medallions.

I hope I am done with medical visits for a while. Besides surgery last fall and the subsequent physical therapy sessions, I've been to the gynocologist, the optomitrist, the dentist, and most recently my GP for a diabetes checkup. The numbers look good, but I can tell I am struggling a bit with my eating plan - too many refined carbs leave me feeling like a bottomless pit. So I am back to avoiding flour, sugar, and processed foods. After a couple of days of that, I already feel better.

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