The bootie thing is just not working for me right now, so I turned my attention to another baby blanket. (The first has yet to be seamed, and at this moment, I'm thinking it will probably never be seamed, but instead will magically morph into something else.) My intention was to knit a garterlac baby blanket, so I traded in the Lorna's Laces left over from the in-limbo baby blanket for a variegated colorway, and started out. But by the time I reached the end of the base triangles, I had had it with turning the project back and forth and back and forth. Ugh. And the colorway was not liking the garter stitch. Double ugh.
I looked about for an alternative, because the colorway really is luscious, and decided on the twisted lattice motif from Barbara Walker's
Learn to Knit Afghan Book
. I tripled the width of the afghan square and knitted up a pattern repeat (24 rows) and definitely like the result. Except three was not the magical number, as the blanket was too narrow. (A little foresight and math would have prevented this debacle.) So I ripped that out, determined to start anew. And I will, but just not quite yet.
The other projects are creeping along, but I have no progress photos because, once again, the camera batteries are dead and I am tired of feeding that thing two AA's every other day. I ordered a new camera from Amazon, a
Sony W330
, which has a 3" display and 14.1 megapixels, but is about half the depth of my current Canon. It should arrive in a few days, so expect a plethora of pix.
1 comment:
I do admire your perseverance and your ability to re-visualize your yarn in a different project. If the yarn doesn't knit up into the project for which I brought it it will lay around for years until I forget what I brought it for and can "see" it as something else.
Looking forward to lots of pics with the new camera.
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