Sunday, October 11, 2020

Noodles on doorknobs

My granddaughter teased me yesterday about the "noodles" hanging from doorknobs. She was referring to the ecru yarn that I am plying. After steaming the loose skeins to set the twist, I hang them on doorknobs to let them get completely dry before twisting them into a compact skein.

Knitting: Working on fingerless mitts (that may become regular mittens if there is enough yarn). I *was* almost done with the thumb gussets before deciding I was not doing them right (the pattern instructions are a bit vague). So I am back at the beginning of the gussets.
Spinning: About halfway through plying the Corriedale (which I now realize is a Corriedale cross). I was concerned that the twist was too tight, but the result looks balanced.

If memory serves (a BIG if), the yarn I am using for the fingerless mitts was hand dyed using mason jars and a microwave. Being curious, I googled to see how that is done and found a plethora of methods, some using Easter egg dyes, some KoolAid, some acid dyes, etc. There are so many ways to dye yarn, don't let anyone tell you their way the the only way.

My granddaughter is making her Halloween costume - a snowy owl. She is becoming proficient with a glue gun. (Photo courtesy of her mom.)

Don't forget to vote!


Wanderingcatstudio said...

That's a very creative costume she's making!

ErinFromIowa said...

Marvelous! The centered medallion/brooch was the perfect POP!