Sunday, September 05, 2021

Bad news week

I won't go into all the details, but my SO now has Covid, despite being fully vaxxed and masking. The weak link in that scenario was babysitting his 3-year-old granddaughters. Apparently, they were the vectors. He's doing okay, no fever or overwhelming fatigue or lung issues, but it will be a while before we can see each other again.

Knitting: The knitted swatch went through the regular laundry and didn't felt or shrink, just got really fuzzy. So now I know not to use that yarn for another L-Bag. The Habitation throw continues to grow.
Spinning: Red tunis, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Weaving: Still working through letters on the inkle loom. 'Z' nearly did me in; I'm going to skip it for now.

At the weavers guild meeting this past week (which I Zoomed), we were asked to bring our favorite weaving book. My favorite is usually the last one I bought, which in this case is Rebecca Mezoff's The Art of Tapestry Weaving. As you may recall, I took an online class from her, which was very helpful. However, trying to find a particular demonstration on the videos or a specific explanation in the printed material was pretty hopeless. This book fills that gap nicely. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in tapestry weaving.

If you are looking for a book about design, you can't go wrong with Tommye Scanlin's Tapestry Design Basics and Beyond. The exercises in this book are for more than just tapestry. I checked it out from the local library, will order a copy as soon as I get a round tuit.

I've been feeling the urge to dye again. And to weave something besides inkle bands. So far, surgery is still on schedule. I'm anxious to get that over with.

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