Saturday, June 17, 2023

Art yarn

The program at the spinning guild featured a demonstration of "art yarn" and core spinning. I did a little research first, so arrived with some core already spun and some fiber to add to it. I also deconstructed the art yarn from the last cowl project. The light blue is the core, the dark blue the main fiber, the metalic thread the wrap.

My results from the core spinning were a bit loose and wonky, so the next day, I wrapped my sample with gold silk thread. I'm not sure what I will do with it.

Knitting: Marching along on the socks, with no problems (so far). The Lempi sweater is approaching the third button hole; my stitch count was off due to an increase that did not belong, but I was able to correct the problem without ripping back.
Spinning: I'm wrapping up my adventures in Polish merino (separate post to follow). The yarn I spun at the last spin-in was SO tight, I'm not sure the result is usable unless I do something - but what? It's really kinky.

Weaving: The county fair is next week, so I have been working on a few almost-finished wall hangings to submit to the adult craft event. The Great Grizzly is warped and the hem of a rag rug started on it.

I decided that if a project sits on a loom too long, it is never going to be finished, so I might as well remove it. I cleared the Peruvian diamond project from the 24" rigid heddle loom and the krokbragg project from the inkle loom. The latter has been in limbo since before my first shoulder surgery, and the former just wasn't working out and I couldn't bring myself to work on it. It was time to cut bait or fish!

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