Saturday, June 24, 2023

Third time's the charm

I was approaching the third buttonhole on the Lempi cardigan when I realized that the first two buttonholes did not line up. An internal debate ensued, but in the end, I ripped back to the first buttonhole, which is almost all the way to the beginning. Contemplating entering the cardigan in the county fair next year helped prod me, as I knew it would be closely inspected by the judges. Also, for some reason I messed up several slip-one-purlwise stitches at the start of each row. Amateur mistakes. Ripping back did give me the opportunity to use a wrap-and-turn stitch instead of the designer's double stitch when shaping the neck, though.

Knitting: I'm up to the second buttonhole on the Lempi sweater, which *does* line up with the first one. The socks are my portable project, but I haven't gone anywhere this past week, although I was wishing I had brought them this morning while I waited in a *very* long line to recycle some electronics. Spinning: The Polish merino skein I entered in the county fair won "best in show". I decided to take a break from spinning for a while, to concentrate on weaving and knitting. And maybe dyeing.
Weaving: I (finally) did the finishing work on two wall hangings and suspended them from branches gleaned from my backyard; separate post to follow. Struggling a bit with the rag rug on the Grizzly.

I want to weave handles for several felted bags on my inkle loom, so played around with color combinations, weaving the possible candidates onto a pick-style comb. The yarn is Omega Sinfonia cotton and the colors are 'Olivo' (olive), 'Olivo Intenso' (light olive), and 'Calabaza' (pumpkin). I was trying to match colors with the colors of the bags, but in real life, they are more saturated than they look on my computer screen.

The first four patterns are from In Celebration of Plain Weave, by Annie McHale, the fifth one of my own design. I was leaning toward candidate number 5, but now that I look at them again, maybe number 3? Does anyone have any opinions?

Finally, I tried to match the colors of a blossom from the black-eyed Susan vine, using watercolors. It's HARD! My goal was to come up with a pallette I could then use to create dyes for yarn, but now I think I need a different technique.

Have a colorful week!

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