Saturday, March 08, 2025

Not this time

Due to some family obligations, I did not make it to the Jay County Fiber Arts Fest this weekend. Not that I need any more fiber or fiber tools or yarn bowls. However, I was looking forward to some pie. Oh, well, maybe next year.

Knitting: Finished Cora the Emotional Support Chicken; see previous post. Nearing the cuffs on the ice dyed socks. Started a 2x2 ribbed cowl just to use up the rest of the Jamieson & Smith yarn.

Spinning: I think I did a little spinning, but I am not enjoying the Wensleydale fiber, may abandon it for something more fun.
Weaving: Finished panel #2 of the buffalo plaid blanket and started panel #3.

The program in this past week's weaving guild meeting was about weaving transparencies. My interest in this topic is not great. However, one of the presenters spoke of Norwegian transparency weaving. *That* caught my interest. If it sounds like fun to you, check out Robbie LaFleur's website.

This week's spinning guild program is about sock knitting, which is one reason I paused my current socks, as I want to use them as an example of toe-up, knitted-on-DPNs socks. I'm not the main event, so I'm not too concerned about what I have to say, but I do need to print some handouts.

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