The pattern called for 6 rows of melon and fuchsia, 1 of melon and french vanilla, 2 of pastel pink and french vanilla, and 2 of pastel pink and fuchsia. Well, that singleton made it next to impossible to carry the yarn up the side, plus I didn't like the way it looked, so I changed the singleton to a double. Also, the pattern called for casting on in melon and french vanilla, then immediately switching to the 6-row color combination. I didn't like the way that looked, either, so I cast on in melon and fuchsia. I also ended with the six-color stripe because that is when I ran out of melon, an event I anticipated thanks to my new scale.

It was early in my new-found passion for knitting when I ran across this pattern. The online photo showed three different blankets in one picture, and since I couldn't decide which one to make, I ordered the yarn for all three. (In case you haven't noticed, I tend to take things too far.) One down, two to go, but I'm going to take a break first.
Ooh, it looks great! I finished a monster afghan for an X-Mas present, so I undestand the relief you must be feeling :)
It looks lovely! What a great collection of colours.
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