About a yard of yarn remained for grafting.
These are for Mr. Skinnylegs, so they felt tight on me. And short. Blocking to the rescue.
Pattern: Magic Stripe Socks from Lion Brand
Yarn: Schaefer Yarn Lola in "Toni Morrison"
Needles: US2
Modifications: Ribbed the legs and the instep for a better fit
The heel stitches for this pattern create a very dense fabric that I like. And I don't know why I ran out of yarn, because Lola is a 4oz skein. Does ribbing really use up that much more yarn?
Side note: I like to knit both socks at the same time on DPNs. My two sets of US2 DPNs are not from the same manufacturer, though, and are not the same size. They both fit the US2 hole in my needle sizer, but the naked eye can see they are not identical. Hence, I knit these one sock at a time. If I had been knitting both socks at the same time, I might have realized sooner that there was going to be yarn shortage.
1 comment:
Sorry you had a problem with these socks. I got the idea of knitting both socks at the same time from you, and I had the same problem with needles that were supposed to be the same size, but weren't. I have since ordered and received a second set of Knit Picks wood sock needles, which I like very much. I am currently working on both socks at once and it seems to take half as much time as one after the other.
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