See the yarn ends waving to you? (The yellow ones are hard to see but are near the needles on the right.) Now I am definitely not lined up. BTW, this pattern uses an "eye of partridge" heel flap which I just love.
I knit on these socks at work over my lunch period, so progress is slow but steady. At home, I have picked up the February Lady sweater again. We have the occasional sunny day, but there are enough chilly, rainy, is-spring-ever-going-to-arrive days that I don't mind working with wool. Yet.
BTW, there is a survey on honesty over here, on one of my other blogs, in case you are interested.
Wow. You're far more attentive to matching things up than I am. I just don't seem to have the patience for it.
I hate splices! I don't think I've ever encountered a ball with TWO. Ugh.
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