Sunday, May 07, 2023

Lost and found

As I neared the end of the latest L-Bag, I pondered whether there was enough yarn to make an i-cord handle. In my mind's eye, I could see the one I knit for the previous L-Bag, so I figured I could weigh it to see how much yarn would be needed. Thinking the handle was inside the L-Bag, I started a search. And I searched and searched and searched, finally finding it in a plastic bin of inkle bands. But no handle. I looked through my blog, to search for references about the handle, but the only one I found is where I decided NOT to knit a handle. Very puzzling.

While searching, I found a second bag that I had forgotten about, even though it is in my Ravelry project list. It's made from Noro, the pieces woven on a triangle loom and stitched together. *That* one has a woven handle. I felted both the new L-Bag and the Noro one and its handle at the same time in the washing machine, and they came out great.

Drying upside down

Now they need to be lined. There is a sewist in the local fiber group who lines them; she provides the material and will add pockets and zippers, but she won't insert the grommets or provide handles. So I'm debating on lining them myself, at least the triangle bag. I'll ponder that while I decide about handles. And steel my nerves to insert grommets.

Knitting: The L-Bag is knitted and felted. I started a cowl, using 'Jailhouse Rock' yarn I had spun a while back, but I hated how it looked, as the color runs were too short. Also, after an inch or so, I realized it was twisted, so I frogged it. Then I knit up a swatch, to test different stitches. My conclusion is I need to knit something smaller, to take advantage of the short color runs.

Cake of 'Jailhouse Rock'

Before frogging

Garter, stockinette, seed, mistake rib, 2x2 ribbing

Spinning: Finished one bobbin of the fiber from Three Moons, started the second; planning to do the fractal thing.

I attended a spin-in yesterday afternoon, at the Little Shop of Spinning. There was a lot going on this weekend, so not too many of us there. And yet, a good time was had by all.

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