Sunday, August 06, 2023

Where does the time go?

School starts this week for my granddaughter, so it feels like summer is over even though we are in the first half of August. For me, it was supposed to be the summer of rugs, but I completed nary a one. In fact, I haven't completed much of anything fiber-wise. I'm contemplating blocking out the last two weeks of August so I can make a final push.

Dyeing: I finished the sunflower dyeing experiment - separate post to follow. I also experimented with making modifications to the madder samples from the dye workshop, by exposing them to iron, alkaline, and acid after baths. The acid turned the yarn *tangerine*!

Knitting: The heels are turned on the socks and I am almost out of new yarn, so I have to rip out the yarn from the old pair that this pair is replacing, to knit the tops. I'm a little bogged down on the Lempi sweater.
Spinning: While we were in Chesterton yesterday, we stopped at Three Moons Fiberworks. I bought some roving there on our last visit, which I spun in such a way that the two colors mixed. I purchased some more of the same roving, so I can try spinning it such that the colors are separate. We'll see how that goes.

Here's to a fiber-filled week.

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