Monday, October 09, 2023


Last week's brain fart was a false alarm. Both skeins of the Trekking yarn I purchased are fingering weight. They labeled the one "Sport" when they should have labeled it "Solid". So I can continue with my original plan. People.

Yesterday's Spinning and Weaving Week event at the downtown library was a success. Only half the spinners and weavers who signed up actually showed, which was a disappointment, but there is more foot traffic on a Sunday afternoon than a Tuesday evening, so we had more interaction with the public. Several people even expressed interest in one guild or another, so maybe we will gain some new members. I'm glad that it is over, though - I find organizing these things to be somewhat stressful. It is my little way of contributing to the guilds.

Knitting: I finally finished the socks - separate post to follow. And I started the pair for my son, a.k.a. Bigfoot.
Weaving: For the library event, I warped the frame loom and prepped that in case I could talk any of the passersby into actually weaving on it, but no one was brave enough.

At the weaving guild meeting this past week, a newbie sat beside me. We started chatting, and she told me a neighbor had given her a knitting kit, so she taught herself how to knit so that she could use the kit. She showed me a photo of the finished project. I expected to see a scarf or something, but it was a whole g-d sweater! With colorwork! OMG, I hate her already. (jk) She has a spinning wheel and is teaching herself how to spin. She ordered a rigid heddle loom, but while waiting on that, she 3-D printed one. Who does that?!? She came to the library event on Sunday and chatted everyone up, so I hope she becomes an active member in both guilds. We need fresh blood like hers.

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