Sunday, November 26, 2023

One down...

I'm not a fan of holidays. It seems like most of the burden falls on the women, to cook, to clean, to entertain, to shop, etc. With our pre-Thanksgiving weekend out of the way, my kids were free to do what they wished on the actual day, and so was I. My SO and I ate Kirkland beef lasagna and homemade apple crisp (he brought the salad). A simple meal, with little prep, that we both enjoyed. Then we walked the dogs.

Knitting: STILL working on Bigfoot's socks; the cuffs are about a third done. It's too easy to pick up the cowl instead.
Spinning: YES, I actually did some spinning. Or, rather, some chain-plying. This is the last of the fiber I purchased at Three Moons in Chesterton. (For the record, I did not even go into the store last weekend, even though we were in the area.) I'm a little disappointed in it - spun too tight.

I decided to take December off from fiber meetings. Both the spinning guild and the weaving guild will have carry-ins, while one has a gift exchange and the other a craft. Again, I'm not a holiday person, and I'm a little burned out on both guilds. Maybe I just need a break. Where is a pandemic when you need one?!?

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