Monday, June 10, 2024

But so cheap!

At our last weaving guild meeting of the year (our meetings run September to June), we have a carry-in meal, share our "challenge" weaving, and sell stuff to each other. One weaver who also spins brought some fiber she wanted to get rid of. So of course, it ALL followed me home. For only $25!

Coopworth wool


Gray pink wool

Camel down

Wenslydale longwool top



Wool roving

Mohair/Border Leicester

I know - I'm hopeless.

Knitting: I've pretty much decided to abandon the basketweave socks and am in the process of picking a cowl pattern to use with that yarn instead. Meanwhile, the L-Bag marches on! And, to a lesser degree, the nonmatching socks.
Spinning: Instead of starting my day with coffee and all the (bad) news that is fit to print, I've been spinning, specifically some dark brown fiber that I think is Polish merino.

Lately, I've been contemplating the difference between habit, ritual, and routine. Maybe we can say habit is what we do, ritual is how we do it, and routine is when we do it. Hence, my new habit of spinning routinely first thing in the morning while watching the birds in the backyard.

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