Saturday, June 15, 2024

This is not a how-to

A while back I purchased a tie-dye kit with the intention of tie-dyeing some old tee-shirts, not for wearing, but for weaving rag rugs. Time passed (we won't try to guess how much time) until I decided today was the day.

First off, one needs a soda ash solution to soak the tee shirts in. This helps fix the dyes to the cloth (which needs to be 100% cotton). The kit included the correct amount for two gallons of solution.

While the tee shirts soaked, I set up the dyeing station. Outside. On an absolutely lovely summer day. The cooperation of the weather helped motivate me to get this done.

I actually tried to do some tye-dyeing, as the kit included lots of rubber bands.

But I lost interest after a while and just sprayed color on the tees.

The kit says there is enough dye for 15 tees, but it doesn't say what size shirts. Mine are all large, so had I tried to cover all the white, I would have run out of dye after about eight shirts. I did use up all the dye, and all the shirts have at least some color on them. Tomorrow I will rinse and wash them, so tune in next week to see how they turn out.

Knitting: All that remains to knit on the non-matching socks is the cuffs. The L-Bag is within inches of where the tapering starts for the bottom.
Spinning: Still sticking with my morning spinning.

While spinning, I listen to about 20 minutes of this podcast, "Wiser than Me" which is hosted by Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Julia interviews women who are older than her, which is very interesting and entertaining. The show is in its second season, which I think is better than the first. But it's all good. Give it a listen!

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