Sunday, July 21, 2024

Picky, picky, picky

When I spin yarn, I try to pick out all the pills, vegetable matter (VM), guard hairs, etc. to the point of looking like I am OCD. Yet when I ply the singles, there is still a lot of missed garbage. Or it seems like a lot, particularly after my attempt to eliminate all of it. Ugh.

Knitting: I'm making good progress on the socks and the L-Bag, considering (see below).
Spinning: I finished chain-plying the dark brown yarn. I had assumed the color was natural, but when wet finished, the yarn bled a bit.

Weaving: Playing with branch weaving. This is my first attempt - a learning experience.

My daughter and granddaughter were marooned at the airport on Friday because of the global IT outage. They were in Myrtle Beach, with no idea of when they would get out. Finding a rental car was next to impossible, and when they did find one, the company would not rent it to them for a one-way trip. So they Uber'd to Winston-Salem, then rode the Greyhound bus to Charleston, WV, where I was waiting on them. We stayed the night before driving home.

I discovered that I can drive for six hours by myself, something I have not done for a long time. Cruise control and lane mitigation helped, plus the roads were twisty-turny enough that I had to remain alert. That was not how I was expecting to start the weekend, but I was happy to help.

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