Sunday, July 14, 2024

Time flies

This past week, while driving my 13-year-old granddaughter to or from one of her summer activities, I commented that in a few years, she would be driving herself. That day feels like it is some time in the future. She pointed out that in a little over a year, she could get her learner's permit. That made it feel so much closer in time. Hard to believe.

Knitting: The L-bag is still decreasing; each round is over 200 stitches, which takes a while. The latest socks are now my TV commercial knitting: I've been rewatching Star Trek: The Next Generation on Paramount and it is loaded with ads.
Sewing: Clio has been receiving a nightly treat of peanut butter in her Kong, which I place on one of her "bagel beds". The cover was getting gross, but I hate wrestling with the stuffing. So I sewing another cover for it, an envelop pillowcover of sorts. It's functional. My daughter suggested using an old sheet to make one with a drawstring, so maybe I will try that next.

Spinning: I've been chain-plying the dark brown single - it is taking FOREVER.

I think I have mentioned that I have been working on getting tee-shirts for the spinning guild. It's a slow process. At an earlier meeting, a color was selected by a non-democratic method: who spoke up the loudest. The choice, dark brown, didn't seem like a good choice to me, so at the most recent meeting, I brought along a printout of the available colors; those present could indicate their top three choices. Indigo blue was the obvious favorite, which I think will look better. The art work is done, so now I just need to collect sizes.

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