Sunday, September 01, 2024

Compulsive knitting

I'm almost 72 years old and just recently suspected that I have AD/HD. Better late than never, right? I probably won't get a formal diagnosis - what is the point now? - but if I had had one when I was still working, I may have been able to get some concessions from my employer, like the right to knit during meetings.

I've been listening to a podcast called Women and AD/HD, and it has been very helpful. One I recently tuned into mentioned that compulsive knitting may be a sign of AD/HD. Huh. Who knew? But it is all making sense to me. Of course, now I look at my fiber friends and wonder, Do you have AD/HD? Some of their behavior (besides the compulsive knitting) is suspicious.

Knitting: Started a pair of socks for my son, AKA Bigfoot. Initially, I was going to try to make do with one skein of yarn, but 1) did not like how the self-striping yarn looked when ribbed, and 2) worried about running out of yarn, especially if there were a break in the yarn like with the last pair. So I purchased some Opal sock yarn from Simply Socks in 'natural'... and THEN discovered I already had a whole 50-yard skein of their sock yarn in the same color. Well, now I have plenty.

Spinning: The three-color braid is finished and labeled, although I'm not sure of the fiber content. The brown almost completely disappears in the three-ply. I did something different with the leftovers - spun them all onto one bobbin instead of separate ones.

Then I started a new spinning project - merino top.

This past week, I spun at the Salomon Farm farmers market with another spinner. You can tell summer is winding down, as fewer people were in attendance. Yesterday, I attended the Fifth Saturday Spin-in at Teasel Hill Angoras Farm, which is always fun, but it being a holiday weekend, only a few of us showed up.

Happy Labor Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 67 (69 now). This might not be true for everyone, but I am so glad I got an official diagnosis. For me it made a big difference to know vs to wonder (even feeling pretty positive I had ADHD). There have been so many ah-ha moments since then. It's been comforting to know there's a reason behind my actions. Still working out how to make changes in my life, of course. BTW, my testing was covered by insurance.