I was going to ask the man sitting next to me if he would wear such green socks, but I noticed he was not wearing any socks. He looked like a snow bird who flew north a bit too soon.
One thing I will miss when the temperatures finally heat up (and they will, won't they?) is wearing my handknits. Not only do I wear my handknits, I display them in my cubicle, draping the scarf-of-the-day around my coat and laying out the mitts and hat next to the monitor. Maybe I need to work on some summer knits.
This Saturday my SO and I are going to take a road trip to Bowling Green, OH, to check out the Black Swamp Spinner's Guild Market Day. I was originally thinking I might find some nice homespun there, but later it occurred to me that the target audience will be spinners. I may be bringing home some rove and a spindle!
Whenever I travel out of town, I look up likely yarn stores to visit. While doing that today for the trip to Bowling Green, I found this site. It's a mapping tool for yarn stores. It looks like anyone with minimal info about a store can enter data. I had never heard of this site before. Have you? The two LYS's closest to me are not in it yet. Are yours?
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