It's one of their Rainforest colorways, and it is called "Veronica die Wilde." Last night, I cast on and under the Ott light, the colors looked a bit fluorescent, and I was having second thoughts about my selection. But this morning, in the light of day, they looked much calmer, shades of green from lime to forest, plus gray.
Meanwhile, I finished the Blue Lagoon baby blanket.
When I rediscovered knitting a couple of years ago, I went overboard ordering yarn from Lion Brand, and bought enough to do three of these blankets, in three different color combinations. The first one was Sweet Cherries, and this is the second; one more to go and that yarn will have served its purpose. While the blankets are cushy and soft and colorful, they are also acrylic, which means they are machine washable but also not flame retardant. Wool, on the other hand, is naturally flame retardant, so I am starting to switch to that for baby blankets (superwash, of course). But waste not, want not - by God, I am going to use up that Microspun one way or another!
Funny -- I bought the kit for the Blue Lagoon blanket when I started knitting again. It is sitting forlornly one-third done while I rediscover other techniques. However, I love the look of yours. Maybe I should bust it back out...
It's hard to "think spring" when there's snow on the ground.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have to agree with you, I'd rather be knitting.
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