Saturday, July 31, 2021

An A for Effort

All my fiber arts and needlework entries for the county fair earned blue ribbons, and one a gold "Best in Section" ribbon, but I don't know what that means, or if it is even meaningful in any way since my work was the only entries in most of the sections. Sunday evening I will pick up my pieces and receive the judge's remarks. We'll see if that sheds any light on the results. Since it looks like my fiber friends did not enter anything, maybe I should wear all my ribbons to the next meeting, or would that be too passive aggressive?

We missed the races

Spinning: I accomplished some spinning this week, and that's about all.

My granddaughter wanted to bake and frost cookies, so that is what we did one day. Despite my trying to inculcate a "less is more" mentality, her motto seemed to be "half cookie, half icing". When I suggested they were inedible, she declared, "They're not for eating, they're for decorating."

For pain relief, I take three aspirin in the morning and three in the evening, targeting inflamation, plus I apply emu oil to my shoulders twice a day. Thursday I neglected this regimen in the morning, and by evening, my left arm was nearly useless. The inkle loom is still clamped to the dining room table, but every time I think about weaving on it, I also think about how much it hurts. I want to keep my skills active, in anticipation of the workshop at the end of September, but I may have to practice in ten-minute bursts.

1 comment:

Mereknits said...

I bet you deserved every ribbon. Those cookies look delicious. Hope your regime helps you continue to deal with your pain. Stay safe.