Saturday, August 17, 2024

Shear fun

Can you relate to this comic strip? I've never shorn a sheep, but I have worked with fleece. There is a cuff-to-cuff sweater in the queue that will use my handspun.

Knitting: Still working on the pocket patch for the L-Bag. Almost ready to knit the ribbing on the socks.
Spinning: Three-plied the three-color skein today until I ran out of the red... then discovered that there is more of the red fiber to spin. I'll spin it, then chain-ply the individual colors to complement the three-ply.

I skipped this month's spinning guild meeting to have some family fun. My son and his girl friend like to visit zoos, so we spent the afternoon at the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo. In the evening we attended a concert: Big Head Todd and Blues Traveler. Talk about LOUD. My SO turned off his hearing aids, while I was wishing for some ear plugs. We all had a good time, though.

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