Saturday, August 24, 2024

A little catch-up

There are a couple of handspun yarns I have not reported on. That is because I hung them on the curtain rod in the guest bathroom to dry, and there they sat, for months. (I don't have very many guests.) Today I decided I should retrieve and label them.

But what are they?!? Fortunately, I was able to put together the fiber, the spinning, and the plying to come up with label text. That's why I take photos and keep a fiber blog.

First up, a merino-silk blend called "Storm", chain-plied. Some of it is heavier than the rest. Not sure how that happened.

Next, some "natural" brown merino comeback, also chain-plied. (I think the color is not natural, but dyed.)

I have so much handspun yarn. It's time to start assigning it all to projects.

Knitting: I finished the socks; separate post to follow. The patch pocket square is going slowly, so it is now my TV knitting.
Spinning: The three-color braid is now all spun and plied; all that remains is to give it a good soak and set the twist. AND label it!

There are a lot of opportunities to spin in public coming up. I'm not sure I will make it to all of them, but I will report on the ones I attend.

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