Sunday, August 04, 2024

Fiber friends

I am an introvert, quite content to just stay home most of the time. But I know that it is important to have at least *some* friends. Of course, there is my SO and my family, which help a lot. But sometimes I just want to hang with some female agemates.

There used to be Women's Weekend, when a bunch of us mothers who knew each other in college would get together twice a year, sans kids, to drink wine, play cards, watch R-rated movies, etc. But all of a sudden, that stopped, I think in part because we became *more* busy as our children became adults. And some members moved out of the area and a couple of them passed away.

I joined the local spinning guild and weaving guild several years ago, which has introduced me to what I now call my fiber friends. For a smaller cadre of us, it is more, though. We sometimes gather at each other's houses to spin and knit and talk. Before the monthly spin-in at Little Shop of Spinning, we usually meet for lunch. We talk about more than fiber.

While I enjoy these gatherings, as an introvert they can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Like yesterday. It seemed everyone needed to TALK. When I finally arrived home, all I felt like doing was sit and listen to the silence.

Knitting: The sock heels are turned, one of them twice (dropped stitch I could not recover from). I'm *still* knitting the bottom of the L-Bag; I'm pretty sick of that project.
Spinning: I'm on the third color of the three-color skein.
Weaving: Last night I got inspired and started a new circular weaving project. Circular weaving is good for using up bits and bobs of yarn from various workshops.

I thought I had a taker for the basket weaving supplies, but they were a no-show. It may be time for Plan B.

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