Sunday, May 17, 2020

I got a haircut!

This has been a big week for me, as I had my teeth cleaned on Wednesday, my hair cut on Thursday, and my body massaged on Friday. Protocols were in place for the first two, not so much the third. My therapist is renting a room inside another massage place, and not much mask-wearing was going on. Oh, to be young and arrogant again!

Knitting: When I mentioned I was getting tired of the Ivy socks, I must have really meant it, as knitting fell by the wayside a bit this week. If I get back on that horse, I should reach the cuffs by next weekend.
Spinning: I finished spinning the orange roving and am almost done plying the orange with the navy. Separate post coming, but I am very pleased with how the yarn is turning out.
Weaving: I started another piece on the pocket loom, and right now am a little stuck where I want to transition from the yellow and orange to red, but not all at once. I weave a bit, then unweave it, dissatisfied. It will come.

Someone (or some ones) in the neighborhood have been setting off a few firecrackers each evening. There are rules about when private individuals can set off fireworks, and I am pretty sure now is not the time, but I can't quite figure out which household is doing it. It's like trying to trace a phone call but the caller doesn't stay on the line long enough. The reason this bugs me is it upsets the dogs, especially Clio who stands on her hind legs and claws at the patio door to get back inside. She is also reluctant to get in her crate at night, even though that is the safest place to be. The firecrackers have led to her being skittish about thunder too, and nail guns - there is a house going up on the next block. It's going to be a long summer.

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