Monday, February 18, 2008

Small Accomplishments

My previous employer was big on diversity but we did not get MLK Day off, much less Presidents Day. The holidayless stretch from New Year's to Memorial Day seemed endless. Current job is the pits, but at least we get those two days off. So today was a do-as-little-as-possible day. My biggest accomplishment was eating the last piece of fruit from the citrus box I purchased from a co-worker at xmas (school fundraiser). Oh, and I got a haircut and brow waxing. Woo-hoo.

The red-red-red sweater cannot dry fast enough for me.

My son came up with the idea of blocking wool sweaters on plastic bags, but he placed his over an electric blanket turned on low. Alas, I have no electric blanket and my waterbed is long gone, but I could set up a fan, I supposed.

And for some reason, I just can't face the Jaywalkers. For one thing, I made a mistake on the gussets, and I'm contemplating how anal I shall be about it - the pause before the frog. Also, I need a break from US1 needles. So I pulled out the US6's and a cone of cotton for Mason-Dixon baby bibs and burp rags.

My SO made this turntable for my cotton cones. Slick, huh?

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