While munching cole slaw at lunch yesterday, I discovered something hard in one mouthful. A small pebble? A dried lentil? Nope. It was a piece of a tooth. I was not a good teeth-brusher when I was a kid, and I have a mouthful of fillings to prove it. Now, as I approach my dotage, my teeth just crumble. I have lost track of the number of crowns I have, but this one looks like a candidate for another. Thank goodness for dental insurance.
On my way to Women's Weekend I stopped in Troy, OH, to visit
Ewetopia. The first thing I noticed is Troy is a happenin' town on Friday nights. Many were dining al fresco and on-street parking was scarce. I found a public parking lot where it appeared that parking was free on Friday nights (Fort Wayne, take notice!) There is what people out east call a rotary in the center of town, and Ewetopia is right there, where Main meets the traffic circle.
The next thing I noticed was a little girl (age 9?) sitting in a wicker chair in the store window, knitting away. And the store was full of more knitters. Every first and third Friday, Ewetopia hosts a late night knit, and that's what I stumbled into. If I had planned my time better, I could have accepted their invitation to join them in pizza and yarn. Instead, I browsed the store, picking up their last two skeins of Rowan Denim in "Tennessee".

Ewetopia is my idea of a yarn store: open 7 days a week, including most evenings; many, many classes plus a sock club; online sales to complement the brick-and-mortar; and friendly folks. My only complaint - and this applies to many LYS's - is they did not have many options for sweater-size projects, which is what I was looking for. Maybe as their online business builds, they will be able to expand their inventory.
WW was fun, as usual, and I worked on the Big Bad Baby Blanket (which I managed to screw up while trying to knit and play cards at the same time) and the Pinwheel sweater. The former is about 25% done and the latter is at an annoying stage, the sleeves. Annoying because the sleeves are knitted in the round, right on the garment, which means rotating the whole thing for each round.
I am into sweaters now, though, and bought enough yarn from
Webs for
Sitcom Chic.

You are probably thinking, Oh, no, another red-red-red sweater! And you would be right, but there is logic behind my choice. I have a red store-bought cardigan in Orlon that makes me sweat because the fabric does not breathe, so Sitcom Chic would be a replacement for that. The pattern calls for
Cotton-Ease, which is a cotton-acrylic blend. Since I find acrylic blends to be not all that comfortable, either, I am trying out this
Pima Tencel. Pima is cotton, Tencel is wood pulp. And the yarn was on sale!